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How trampoline works in Lego

What is trampoline code?

Trampoline code is used by BSP to boot other secondary CPUs. At startup, BSP wakeup secondary CPUs by sending a APIC INIT command, which carry the [start_ip] where the secondary CPUs should start to run.

The trampoline code is the code starting from [start_ip]. Used by the secondary CPU to jump from 16-bit realmode to 64-bit code (the first instruction of 64-bit code will be in arch/x86/kernel/head_64.S).

Where is the trampoline source code?

The source files are all in arch/x86/realmode/. There are two parts: 1) arch/x86/realmode/rm/trampoline.S: which is the code that will run. And it is a mix of 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit code (ugh..). 2) arch/x86/realmode/piggy.S: Since the trampoline code can not to linked into kernel image directly. So we have to piggyback the trampoline.bin binary code into a section, which is described by trampoline_start and trampoline_end. So the kernel can address the trampoline code via these two symbols.

The compile flow is: arch/x86/realmode/rm/trmapoline.S -> CC__ arch/x86/realmode/rm/trmapoline.o -> LD arch/x86/realmode/rm/trampoline -> OBJCOPY arch/x86/realmode/rm/trampoline.bin -> This bin goes into piggy.o -> piggy.o goes into vmImage

What happened at runtime?

The setup code was loaded by GRUB below 1MB. Inside arch/x86/boot/main.c, we will save the cs() into the boot_params and pass it to kernel. In setup_arch(), we will copy the trampoline.bin code to the cs() address reported by boot_param. This means we will override setup code, which is okay.

At last, we wake up the secondary CPUs inside smp_init().

Compare with Linux

I vaguely remember how Linux implement this. The only thing I remember is that Linux use some sort of structure, which is filled by BSP and then passed, or used by secondary CPUs. The mechanism has no difference, though. Linux just has more robust debugging facilities.

Yizhou Shan
Mar 3, 2017

Last update: March 30, 2018


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