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SMP Design Thought

Coding pcache is nothing different from coding mm code. It is the same with your familiar mixed pgfault, LRU, page cache and writeback code. Each pcache line can be involved with multiple activities at the same time. We have to use different states to synchronize among them. If you have ever read linux mm code, you will know that sometimes, comment is literally more than code. SMP pain in ass.

I don’t think this document is well written. It is just some random thoughts I wrote down while coding. Some of them might be wrong. But it is still worth looking back.

Pcache and Victim Cache Organization

Our pcache and victim cache are allocated and arranged as a big array. As for pcache we look at it in a cache set view, which means consecutive pcache lines are not relevant in natual. As for victim cache, we simply treat it as a big array and walk through it one by one.

Allocation/Eviction SMP Consideration

The alloc/free of both pcache and victim cache are simple: each pcache line or victim cache line has a Allocated bit to indicate if this line is free or not. The Allocated bit is manipulated by atomic bit operations, thus SMP safe. This further implies that we do not need another spinlock to guard allocation.

However, other activities such as explict eviction, background sweep may walk through the cache lines at the same time of cache allocation, a single Allocated bit is not enough. Because an allocated cache line will need some initial setup, such as reset refcount, clear flags (prep_new_pcache), thus there is a small time gap between Allocated bit being set and the cache line being truly safe to use. Other activities must wait the cache line to be usable, and then they can do further operations on this cache line.

To solve this race condition, there two possible solutions: 1) Add another bit: Usable, which is set once initial setup is done. In this case, functions excluding alloction code should always check if the Usable bit is set or not. a) If it is set, this means the cache line is safe for further operations b) If not, and Allocated bit is set, this means the cache line is under setup in another core, We should skip it. c) If not, and Allocated bit is not set, this means this cache line is simply free. We should skip it.

2) Add allocated cache lines to a list (such as LRU list), and functions excluding allocation code will only look into cache lines within this list. In other words, others will only look into surely usable cache lines.

Both solutions try to avoid others looking into un-mature cache lines in SMP envorinment. The rule is simple: function should NOT look into data that is not supposed to be seen. The cache line that has Allocated bit set but under setup is a typical case.

As an example, the physical page allocator, page reclaim, page cache in Linux are implemented with the second solution. Pages freshly allocated will be added a LRU list or page cache own list. And page reclaim code will only look into pages within the LRU list, it will not go through all physical pages to do so. The reason for Linux to do so is simple: kernel can not scan the whole physical pages to find out pages to operate.

Pcache: When it comes to pcache, we use both. In our envision, pcache will have high-associativity such as 64 or 128. It will have very bad performance if our eviction algorithm or sweep thread need to go through every cache lines within a set to find out candidates, while there might be only 1 or 2 allocated lines. However, additional Usable bit is added for debug purpose.

Victim Cache: When it comes to victim cache, the first solution seems a better choice. Because victim cache only a few cache lines, e.g., 8 or 16. This means a whole victim cache line walk is fast. While the list deletion and addition seem may introduce some unnecessary overhead. It is all about trade-off.

These choices affect the usage of pcache and victim cache, mostly the eviction code.

More on above two solutions

The first solution is used if evict_random is configured. The second solution is used when evict_lru is configured.

I do not have any doubt about second solution, it works, though with a lot SMP pain in ass. But I do have more to say about the first solution, which is adding another usable bit. The Usable bit only ensures other threads will not use unmature pcache, but it can not prevent other threads seeing a going-to-be-freed pcache.

What is this going-to-be-freed asshole? Let us consider this case: CPU0 is doing eviction and checked the Usable bit, which is set. Then CPU0 thought this cache line is all set, ready to be torqued. Before doing all the dirty work, CPU0 will get_pcache_unless_zero() first to make sure the pcache will not go away in the middle. However, meanwhile, CPU1 did a put_pcache() and a consecutive pcache_alloc() right before CPU0 did called get_pcache_unless_zero(). Bang! CPU0 may use an mature pcache line, cause CPU1’s pcache_init_ref_count() may come before CPU1’s get_pcache_unless_zero()! How to solve this? CPU0 need to add additional checking after get_pcache_unless_zero().

For more details, please check the code in pcache/evcit_random.c, which has more pretty explanation.

Yizhou Shan
Jan 31, 2018

Last update: February 14, 2018


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